Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

Molymet’s corporate governance stands out not only because of the qualifications of the members of the Board of Directors, but also due to a staff driven by clear values defined in our corporate policies.

Directors Committee

The Directors Committee conducts the following activities and functions:

  • Examine the Financial Statements of the Company and reports of external auditors.
  • Propose external auditors and private risk classifiers to the Board of Directors.
  • Examine the background information relating to the operations referred to in Title XVI of Law 18,046.
  • Examine compensation systems and compensation plans for managers, senior executives and workers.
  • Prepare a report of their annual performance.

Superior Administration

Gerentes Generales de Unidades Productivas

Corporate Structure 2021

By-laws and Corporate policies

According to Chilean regulations in force, the operation of Molibdenos y Metales S.A. Shareholders’ Meeting and Board of Directors is regulated by Law No. 18,046 on Public Limited Companies and its New Regulations for Public Limited Companies (Supreme Decree of the Ministry of Finance No. 702 of 2011), also in its Bylaws and pertinent regulations emanating from the Financial Market Commission (former Superintendency of Securities and Insurance), including the Corporate Governance Practices and the Information Management Manual.

Also, Molymet’s corporate governance is not only ruled by the applicable laws; the company’s behavior is also guided by essential values and principles and a strong sustainable perspective.

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