Together we make
a great team!

San Bernardo S.A

At Molymet we have two Chilean subsidiaries whose business is not related to the production of Molybdenum but who contribute significantly to the sustainability of the planet and our purpose. They are: Inmobiliaria San Bernardo S.A.(ISBSA) and Carbomet Energía S.A. (CESA). Inmobiliaria San Bernardo S.A. is an agricultural company that produces, processes and exports organic walnuts under the Geonuts® brand to different countries around the world - Austria, Italy, Germany and Japan to name a few. These walnuts are produced on 123 hectares dedicated to organic cultivation since 2012.

Carbomet Energía S.A

The second subsidiary not related to Molybdenum production is Carbomet Energía S.A. (CESA), a hydroelectric company located in Puente Alto, Santiago. This subsidiary generates renewable energy through two run-of-river hydroelectric plants located on the north bank of the Maipo River: Central Los Bajos and Central Auxiliar del Maipo, with anominal power of 5.6 MW and 5.1 MW respectively. For energy transmission we are connected to the National Electricity System through the distribution network of Empresa Eléctrica de Puente Alto (EEPA) and Compañía General de Electricidad (CGE) respectively, under the modality of Small Means of Distributed Generation. CESA has non-consumptive water rights - a resource that is returned to the channel after its use in the turbine.