[103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 401-1, 401-2, 405-1] [ODS: 5, 8]


We strive to attract talented people who will help revolutionize the molybdenum market: Employees who mobilize our Purpose and can execute our Business Strategy with efficiency and innovation; while enjoying the benefits of an enjoyable working environment with competitive working conditions conducive to personal and professional growth.


Each subsidiary has the autonomy to execute plans oriented towards a sustainable work cycle, where the recruitment and selection processes; talent retention; and work team diversity are focuses and challenges across the entire Company.


Staff Turnover

Promoting team diversity

At a Corporate level and at MolymetNos, we have implemented a Job Analysis (ATP) system. This is aimed at identifying the necessary adjustments needed to incorporate people with reduced physical mobility into our company. In this way we can build inclusive hiring processes for people with disabilities (PwD) while providing relevant training to work teams.


Customized Compensation and Benefits

All our subsidiaries use HAY methodology to place a value on each job in line with responsibilities, not personal characteristics. In terms of benefits, multidimensionality is taken into account, ensuring that we meet the needs of work, personal and family needs of each employee with flexible benefits. In 2021, we will work on including our European subsidiaries in the implementation of our Corporate Compensation Policy. We have benefits for all our employees, including complementary insurance, health insurance and life insurance.  


In the context of the COVID-19 health contingency, Chilean subsidiaries, implemented an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which provides assistance in matters of employees’ mental health, legal, financial, parental and family matters, with support from third party service providers. 

Strengthening our compensation meritocracy

In order to provide greater objectivity and meritocracy in the management of compensation and benefits for our employees – together with attracting, retaining and developing the best talent – we created and implemented a new compensation policy at MolymetNos. 


To do this, we developed job descriptors and job weighting, along with a salary study. We then trained executives, who are responsible for sharing and implementing this policy in their teams 

[103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3] [ODS: 4, 5, 8]


We are able to help advance the evolution of humanity thanks to the talented people in our Company.  Our Corporate Training Policy has consolidated our commitment to having a highly trained team, which in turn enables us to lead the way in our industry and scientific communities.  


Annual Training Hours

Average Training
Hours per category

*Increase is related to the start up of the Purox plant

We are making progress in sharing our Purpose widely!

The Vice Presidency for HR and Communication has led a participative process giving time and space to rethinking, sharing and anchoring our Corporate Purpose throughout the Company. A group of leaders were trained to not only share the purpose in a practical and authentic way, but also to translate it into all our activities in order to give meaning and purpose to our daily work.

“We generate value for the advancement of humanity through products developed by people who believe in the wellbeing of our planet.”

Molymet Corporate
Our Purpose “Influencers”

To make our Purpose relevant for each Molymet employee, we trained 40 employees from different American subsidiaries to be “Influencers”. The goal was to strengthen awareness but more than that, to learn practical ways of making our Purpose a part of everyday conversations in work teams. 


Participation of Employees who participated in our Purpose discussions was as follows: Molymet Corporate 26%, MolymetNos 24%, Molynor 18% y Molymex 57%. As a result, in 2020 we achieved 31 “Influencer” conversations with co-workers. The goal for 2021, is to have 58 of these conversations.

Training within the context of the global crisis

In the most challenging year imaginable, we nonetheless set ourselves the task of maintaining our training plans, quickly adapting to online platforms which enabled us to meet our promise of ongoing development. 

Training Highlights

We strive for continued improvement

100% of our subsidiaries support talent development, giving performance feedback for professional development. 978 employees received performance evaluations which corresponds to 73% of our employee complement. 

Supporting employee quality of life

[103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 401-3, 405-2] [ODS: 5, 8, 10]


As men and women, we all have a part to play our part in achieving the long term wellbeing of our planet. And our approach is clear: there can be no gender discrimination. This is why, during 2020 we developed actions to bring us closer to gender equity at all our subsidiaries.  Here, our Compensation Policy seeks to mitigate gender bias by determining equitable remuneration based on job levels.


Newly contracted employees
16.1% women


Women Promoted to Executive positions

**Due to confidentiality, this information cannot be disclosed, as she is the only female executive.
Molymet Belgium: In Belgium, a gender neutrality test is submitted to the works council every two years. 

Salary Equality

We have progressively incorporated topics that promote a quality, safe and inclusive work environment, so that at Molymet, a diverse range of people can find a place to develop their talents and skills. Salary equity is a key factor in achieving this. 


We still have a long way to go on this issue. However, our American subsidiaries have initiated compensation management based on salary studies that define the parameters established in our policy. A leveling plan is to be initiated in terms of base salaries for performing the same position, also allowing for improvement of other aspects that make up employee compensation. We have now initiated similar salary studies at our European subsidiaries. 

The value of co-responsibility

We promote the use of parental leave as a benefit that contributes to the positive development of the first moments of life of our employees’ children, positively impacting women entering the job market and the affective family responsibility of parents.

Parental Leave Benefits Molymet

* It should be noted that in Europe parental leave is up to 4 months for each child, where both parents can use this leave up to the age of 12 years of their children.

[103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10] [ODS: 8]

& Safety

As we navigated our way through the COVID-19 crisis in 2020, our HR teams and leaders responsible for health and safety issues worked across the company to ensure that our Corporate Policy for Occupational Health & Safety provided a clear response to the needs of all our employees. Seven cross-cutting principles were then incorporated into the Sustainability pillar of our Strategic Agenda, making sure that we prioritized a preventive and proactive Occupational Health and Safety culture. This boosted employee trust and performance and led to improved accident rates.


We are governed by the international OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001 standards which are monitored and evaluated by our Integrated Management System.

The serious accident index in Molymex was affected by an accident with lost days that occurred in July 2019.



towards a Zero accident culture

For continuous improvement of the Molymex Occupational Health and Safety Management System we transitioned from the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard to the ISO 45001:2018 standard, obtaining the corresponding certification of the latter as part of our goal of Zero accidents. In this way, we can now identify, evaluate and control the hazards and risks applicable on a daily basis to all our employees, contractors and visitors.


We are proud that Molymex is a pioneer in this area.  Indeed, it is one of the first metallurgical companies in the State of Sonora, Mexico to obtain this certification. 

Our commitment to Safety

We are responsible for the health and safety of our operations and our people. Our Joint Health and Safety Committees are made up of employees elected by direct vote. This gives all our employees representation through formal Occupational Health & Safety committees which allow us to monitor, evaluate and propose improvements. 

Employees represented in Joint Hygiene and Safety Committees and participants

*MolymetNos considera Molymet Corporate 

Training activities in
Occupational Health & Safety

[103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 102-41] [ODS: 8]


Representation and dialogue between employees and our Company are key to aligning visions and expectations. All our subsidiaries have trade union organizations.


Negotiation processes are based on the legal frameworks in force in the countries where we operate. They are either undertaken directly between the organization and employees or through mediation led by a third party service provider to ensure transparent and respectful dialogue.

At corporate level, we are working on a Labor Relations Policy, through the Employee Relations Committees with the aim of strengthening the organizational commitment of our teams, aligned with the culture and purpose of Molymet. Here the goal is:

  • Position Molymet and its subsidiaries as a Company that employs and develops talented people in a sustainable way
  • Improve employee workplace experience and promote both their evolution and that of the company.
  • Build strong labor relations for business sustainability.

Our Unions

Molymet has six syndicates with whom we have established formal dialogue channels to ensure transparency in the information we discuss. These unions represent approximately 750 employees. 

*At Molymet Belgium and Molymet Germany we are governed by European Union labor laws which define that data of unionized Employees is protected information thus we cannot include exact information for these subsidiaries. 

[103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 102-9, 414-1] [ODS: 5, 8, 16]


Our suppliers add value to our business management and commercial activity. We, in turn, take care to foster their development based on trust relationships underpinned by: respect for labor rights; good business practices; and preference for local purchasing. 


The Corporate Policy for Suppliers and Contractors was developed collaboratively by professionals from our administrative, supply, finance, legal and sustainability areas. It defines the action principles for sustainable development of the supply chain of inputs and services, along with promoting the adoption of sustainable practices by suppliers and contractors.

Number of Suppliers classified by location and size


Total de

Supplier Selection Criteria

In 2020 we received services from a total of 242 new suppliers of which 100% were evaluated on the basis of internal social criteria defined by Molymet. Through this process, the potential long-term involvement of each supplier as a part of the Molymet team of people is evaluated.  In this way we can provide options for improving their contribution or exclude suppliers who do not meet the required criteria.

Note: In this table, information for Molymet Corporate is reported together with MolymetNos

We Consolidate

Robust, cohesive relationships are a hallmark of our Company and in 2020 MolymetNos put in place two-year service contracts with several external companies and contractors with whom we have worked for long periods. This allowed us to guarantee the availability of trained technical people as a resource to address high demand maintenance and to face emerging operational problems.


In this way, we boost operational continuity while also adding to development of our contractors. 

[103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 413-2, 413-1]


Long-term relationships, based on trust, characterize our relationships with communities where we operate. Here, we take into particular account, local values and culture. In 2020 we began to work across regions and teams on our Corporate Policy for Community Engagement which will guide our actions based on the reality and needs of each locality.

5 Subsidiaries


0.35 MUSD


Listening to our communities

We cultivate trust relationships by initiating genuine consultation and investing in research studies to identify the real and potential impact our business has on the communities that surround our plants.  


Molymet and each of our subsidiaries fully support and drive actions to mitigate negative impact and build relationships that clearly demonstrate how important communities are to us as a company; and how they, in turn, influence and impact the overall performance of our business.

Molymet Belgium
Research and transparency
with our neighbors

We want to understand and analyze the possible impacts of our plant on our neighbors and that is why Molymet Belgium visits the surrounding farms twice a year. On each visit, we take study samples from livestock animals, as well as from grass and hay, analyzing the molybdenum content in the meadows near our plant. Every two years we organize a meeting with the community, local authorities and farmers to communicate and be transparent about emission generation and other impacts.

We have a close relationship with our neighbors in all the communities where we operate. This is thanks to an open door policy, conducive to transparent dialogue and joint resolving of complaints in a thoughtful way.

Our promise to develop communities

Each Subsidiary has activities aimed at fostering close ties with their communities, some which we highlight below are:


  • Covid-19 related Sanitization program in 33 Neighborhood Councils in the San Bernardo community were we sanitize streets, pedestrian passages and public spaces.
  • Training programs using e –learning modality for 10 Neighborhood Councils including Office Automation, Accounting and Classroom Assistant. These courses strengthened theoretical and practical knowledge, benefitting 50 people during 240 hours of training.
  • MolymetNos 2020 Competitive Funding which benefitted 12 Neighborhood Councils and 8 Senior Citizen Groups through the funding and development of projects related to social, educational, safety, facilities, environmental, inclusion, cultural development and sport.
  • Through Inmobiliaria San Bernardo, we made a donation of land to the 5th Fire Department in San Bernardo for the construction of a fire Station.

Molymet Belgium

Sponsored a team from the local EDUGO school to participate in the eco² project to extend nature around the plant and visits to local farms. Molymet Belgium also sponsored cardiac resuscitation equipment for EDUGO to use in accident cases. 

Molymet Germany

Monetary contribution for the purchase of defibrillator equipment for firefighters and monetary contribution to the University of Leipzig for scientific purposes, mainly associated with the study of molybdenum.


In 2020, the main activity was a stakeholder survey where Molynor’s interest groups were identified and prioritized by means of power and interest variables in terms of their relationship with the company. This generated a matrix of socio-environmental risks and provided guidelines for the development of a community relations plan based on the needs and expectations of the neighboring Mejillones community.


Since 2010, the Molymex Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program has, each year, arranged activities focused on enhancing the quality of life of people from the local community with themes including: education, health, cultures, sport, environmental care and creating alliances with community stakeholder groups. 

  • Company Social Responsibility Program which directly supports schools in the local community
  • Sanitation Program for Cumpas Municipality
  • Provision of Community Funding to the Cumpas Municipality
  • Molymex Summer 2020 “From home” program of recreational activities contributed to the healthy development of our employee’s children and children throughout the Cumpas community
  • Our Campaign “Pay attention, no more cases” aimed at encouraging measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection in the Cumpas community

community partnering

Molymex connects with its community by implementing a range of programs of activities focused on improving the quality of life of local people in areas including health, education, culture, sport support, environmental care, alliances and participation in committees, among others.  


Each of these activities are evaluated against defined program goals and expectations.


Given the close connection Molymex has with their neighbors, it comes as no surprise that year after year, the company has earned the distinction of being a Socially Responsible Company;  being awarded the ‘Distintivo ESR’ by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility (AliaRSE) to recognize companies that stand out in different areas of sustainability.

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