03 - Agenda de Sustentabilidad 2030
Logo Molymet - Agenda de Sustentabilidad 2030

The Molymet 2030 Sustainability Agenda marked a milestone year for Molymet and is, without a doubt, the heart of our 2021 Report. With this Agenda we want to move towards the next level of corporate sustainability strategy with concrete commitments that will enable us to step up to the challenges of the decade ahead.

Mensaje Presidente Ejecutivo

CEO’s introduction

While sustainability has always been integrated into our business, our 2030 Sustainability Agenda is the milestone marking our next level of evolution towards sustainable development. It allows us to prioritize, manage and measure 12 concrete commitments as part of our strategy for facing the medium and long-term challenges of this decade.

Companies must demonstrate to their stakeholders through tangible actions that people, communities, suppliers, customers, authorities and the environment are indeed at the center of our decisions: That we understand the environmental, social and governance impacts of our business and that we are taking clearly defined steps to address them.

Sustainability issues must be approached with a sense of urgency and this will only happen when we give them the same priority as financial issues and above all, when we understand that they are not issues that can be viewed separately or dissociated from our strategy.
From now on we will continuously monitor our advances in the investments and projects carried out to reach our planned targets. We will also make every effort to surpass these before 2030.

2030 Sustainability Agenda :
Our 12 commitments

Our Sustainability Agenda contains 12 commitments with specific goals that seek to generate long-term value for our different stakeholders but mainly and directly for our employees, communities and the environment. Indirectly, our sustainable management will benefit our customers who are also looking for suppliers with responsible practices; and our investors who expect the highest standards of quality, integrity, sustainability, and ongoing economic value from us.

The selected indicators address themes like:

  • Positive working environment
  • Professional development
  • Diversity equality and inclusion
  • Community relations
  • Innovation
  • Diversification
  • Efficient management of water, energy and waste

Our biggest step forward has been in setting concrete goals. However, this does not prevent us from advancing in parallel with even more ambitious plans. In the medium-term this will allow us to aspire to goals like carbon neutrality or zero waste.

Agenda de Sustentabilidad 2030: Nuestros 12 compromisos

The Dynamic nature of sustainability

Our strategy has been designed to guide us through the next 9 years and therefore all indicators point to the year 2030. While thinking far ahead is essential for a stable strategy, we recognize that there is an implicit dynamism in sustainability issues which implies constant revision and updating of our Agenda.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The United Nations SDGs are the frame of reference for our choice of indicators and definition of metrics to meet our 2030 Agenda because we believe private sector efforts must be aligned with national and global strategies.
This Agenda is a new step that maps out our long-term sustainability journey and our role in undertaking a task that can no longer wait.

We invite you to view the details of our 2030 Sustainability Agenda by clicking on the link below.

John Graell 


Our 2030 Commitments

Increase the Labor Relations Index by a total of 10 points
Increase training hours per employee by 15%
Ensure 30% of leadership posiions are held by women
Improve by 10% the indicators of positive perception of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Invest at least 1% of net income in community development
20 % greenhouse gas emmisions
Reduce water intensity by 10%
Recycle 64% of our water
Convert 60% of our energy consumption to renewable electric energy
Recover and valorize 40% of our waste
Increase the EBITDA contribution from Diversification to 5%
Increase innovation investment to at least 1% of total revenue

Our 2021 Results

We invite you to view the details of our 2030 Sustainability Agenda by clicking on the link below.


Previous Commitments

Annexure I: Completion status of sustainability commitments made from 2018 to 2021 of our report shows the status of the commitments declared in previous Sustainability Reports and our Corporate Sustainability Strategy. Although these commitments are not contained in the 2030 Agenda, we would like to report on them and also point out that they will continue to be the focus of our work until they are fully met.

Compromisos anteriores