We generate value for the advancement of humanity through products developed by people who believe in the well being of our planet.
To build the 55-km bridge that links Zhuhai in southern China to Hong Kong were used a total of 420,000 tons of special steels manufactured with Molymet components. This project contributed to improving the quality of life of millions of people
“I am proud to preside over the Board of a company with such committed employees and high standards during such difficult times.”
George Anastassiou Mustakis
Chairman of the Board
We work to strengthen our global position in the molybdenum and rhenium market through a capacity for efficient, flexible processing, on going process optimization, innovation and the search for new business opportunities in strategic metals.
Click here“The greatness of our team allowed us to forge a head during a truly difficult year.”
John Graell
Molymet’s strategically located plants meet over 35% of global demand for molybdenum products in a highly technical and competitive market.
of the world’s molybdenum
Total Capacity
209%million pounds of molybdenum products per year
These strategically located entities are one of Molymet’s main competitive advantages.
Together with geographic diversification, they allow the company to offer its customers the greatest flexibility in the industry.
Molymet can meet the needs of consumers around the world through its production units and commercial offices.
Over the course of its 45 years in the industry, Molymet’s support for new ideas and teams dedicated exclusively to research and development has positioned it as the world’s leading molybdenum processor.
Production Units
Commercial offices